Frequently asked questions
Does honey spoil? Short answer, no.
If honey is stored in an airtight food-grade container it can last indefinitely.
Is your honey organic? Short answer, no.
AB’s Honey is 100% pure raw Australian honey. It is not certified as organic through a certification process.
What is not included in an ex works quote?
It does not include:
- Freight
- Analysis testing
- Certificates
- Production of your labels
- Any other non-standard items
Is your honey pasteurised? Short answer, no.
AB’s Honey is raw honey and not heated to high temperatures. This ensures all the natural enzymes are preserved in the honey. We can arrange heat treatment of your honey if you require it.
Can I export Australian honey? Short answer, yes.
Please note every country has importation requirements for food products. Honey is no exception to this rule. Some countries (for example New Zealand) have very strict requirements. If you are looking to export, you need to investigate these thoroughly and share these requirements with us.
Are there labelling requirements in Australia? Short answer, yes.
FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand) has specific requirements. We recommend checking on the FSANZ site for the most up-to-date information.
Are there quarantine restrictions within Australia for honey, honeycomb and beeswax?
Yes; Western Australia, Northern Territory, Norfolk Island and Kangaroo Island have strict biosecurity restrictions. Honey and bee products are not permitted without meeting quarantine requirements and government approval. Honeycomb is not permitted into Tasmania, and beeswax needs to undergo specific filtration for entry.