The Importance of Bees in Farming

Global farming practices have always had a primary focus on increasing yield. The stakeholder benefits are greater profits, consistent supply, and reduced hunger. 

Over the last century, government bodies and private organisations have invested heavily in finding ways to increase yield. While there have been some improvements and successes, a lot of mistakes have been made that still need rectifying, namely the impact on natural pollinators.

Many crops rely on bees for pollination. The heavy use of chemical insecticides to prevent crop loss has devastated bee populations in agricultural areas. Without bees, farmers must look to artificial ways to pollinate their crops – a time-consuming and expensive exercise when a natural alternative has been available for millennia. 

If you ever doubted the importance of bees, consider that:

  • one-third of Australia’s food supply is reliant on honey bees
  • 65% of Australia’s crops need bees for pollination
  • natural habitats and bush can be lost without bees to pollinate and ensure new growth
  • a loss of pollinated plant products as fodder will negatively impact the meat and dairy industry
  • scientists are only now discovering the many medical uses for honey and bee products, including bee pollen, propolis, bee venom, and royal jelly

By recognising the importance of bees and supporting the Australian beekeeping industry, you become part of the solution. A consistent demand for pure Australian honey means beekeepers can continue to transport their hives on the annual crop pollination circuit and provide security for Australia’s future.

AB’s Honey is an Australian honey company supplying wholesale honey, bulk honey, and white label honey in a range of honey types including honey bee powder, raw honey and manuka honey

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